Saturday, April 14, 2007

Day 2 - February 15, 2007 Thursday

The hospital staff continue to assess all of the damage that was done to Terry. They said he was still not out of the woods yet. They were pumping Terry full of fluids so he was very swollen and didn't even look like himself. His blood pressure continued to be a problem but his heart rate and breathing (by machine) were good. He was still unconscious but could squeeze a hand or wiggle his toes (this was an amazing fete considering his back was broken). The family had taken over the waiting room on the fourth floor (A4050). We considered it our room and when everyone showed up, any other people there usually left. Michael (Terry's youngest son) had brought one of Garrett's (grandson) night-nights (his blankie) to give to Paw-paw because Garrett said it would help Paw-paw get better. This was a very big gesture for the two year old as he has to have one every night to go to sleep. Please see attached picture of the night-night. Within the first two days, Terry had received over twelve units of blood, two units of plasma, and two units of platelets.

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