Sunday, April 15, 2007

Day 13 - February 26, 2007 Monday

Lynn is just amazed by all the caring everyone has shown to them:
  1. People paying for the hotel room for Lynn (their church and her parents - Roma and Jim).
  2. Their drive way has been plowed twice - once by Michael's friend and once by Ron the neighbor Arlyne went to school with.
  3. Arlyne's work sent money and gift cards.
  4. Bobby's work sent money.
  5. Their church - New Life Christian Fellowship - kept bringing snacks, lotions, and other essentials.
  6. People just keep asking what they can do to help.

Terry was very alert today. The ventilator was in but he wasn't fighting it and they didn't have to sedate him to get him to relax. Lynn kept telling him about the accident and all of his injuries, and that he needed to stay calm and focused. He did. Tonight was Lynn's first time to go home since the accident. Everything went well for her until it was time to go to bed. Then it was hard but she made it through by praying. Below are some points Lynn has made concerning how God has had a hand in this whole process:

  1. The cold weather - slowed blood loss, tissue damage, etc.
  2. The insurance policy that they thought about cancelling but didn't.
  3. The many people there so quickly - Tim Settles had EMT training, Joe Settles retrieved blankets, Joe Hunt from the sheriff's department, Mike Rapp.
  4. The IMMEDIATE prayer support and outpouring of care.
  5. The people available to surround them (especially Lynn) with care.
  6. The Bible verses that were there when Lynn needed them.

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