Sunday, April 29, 2007

Day 69 - April 23, 2007 Monday

Lynn arrived around 9 am. She is wanting to check on some things today. She isn't to sure about the new wheelchair. It seems to be fairly awkward (not sure if it is the wheelchair or her). She wants to check with someone about a possible change to Terry's medicines to help relieve his nausea. She is also wanting to see if it is possible for Terry to have a shower. The staff member at HH seems to think that the wheelchair is not a problem (and they can't get anything else from their suppliers). Lynn will just need to get use to it. The nurse practitioner talk to her about the meds. They are going to lower Terry's dosage and see if that helps him. Lynn will also bring in some multi-vitamins from home. He will get his first shower since the accident tomorrow. He will have an early haircut and then get his shower. Hopefully that will make Terry feel good! He ate part of all three meals today (YEAH!). He also drank fairly well. The best thing was he wasn't nauseous! He was pretty good all day. Lynn left earlier than usual, so she can come in early tomorrow for the haircut and shower.

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