Monday, April 16, 2007

Day 31 - March 16, 2007 Friday

When Lynn got to RHI today, Terry told her he had a bad night. His food tube had gotten clogged. When the were attempting to clear it, they water and Coke on him. He felt like the staff there was inept as well as being "out to get him". Things definitely go smoother when Lynn is there. This is such a huge blessing for Terry to have someone there to look out for him. They did a lot of assessments to determine how best to help Terry. This included having him sit on the edge of the bed (supported) which made him dizzy. It also made him sick to his stomach. They told him to focus on one thing and breathe through it. That seemed to help him. They took his feeding tube out. They will do a calorie count over the next three days to decide if he is all right without it. Terry decided he would eat whatever they bring him. Lynn is still hopeful about this place. She tells Terry that to reassure him, but the newness, dizziness, nausea, and lack of trust in the nurses keep him fearful. She keeps telling Terry to lean on God and believe He has put Terry in the right place.

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