Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 27 Update

Hello! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! We certainly did! Over the two weeks before Christmas, I did a lot of cookie decorating with my grandchildren. We had a train, a barn, a house and a gingerbread BOWL that we decorated, as well as MANY cookies! We also made some other cookies that didn't need decorated. Anyway, it was a WONDERFUL time to share with them! I always feel a little closer to them when we can create something that others will enjoy, and we have such FUN while we work!

My brother and his wife did get home from England. Now we're working on catching up. It's amazing how precious those hugs are to us! Being able to see and hear someone is great, but touching and being touched is so uplifting! I think God made us to NEED hugs and to share them as often as possible!

Terry's sister and family came up from North Carolina for about a week at Christmas. Her grandchildren got to decorate cookies with some of their second cousins. Also, several of us "girls" enjoyed a special lunch at Kopper Kettle. They stayed through the 26th, then drove home. It was GREAT to see them!

We had a little bit more festive time at the nursing homes this month. We sang carols together with some of the residents, then went door to door for those that couldn't get out. Some of the musicians from our church went with us, so we had a good bunch. I think we ALL enjoyed the time.

I think that's all for now. Please keep us in your prayers. I pray YOU will have a blessed new year! Love, Lynn

Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 21 Update

Hello again friends! I do have some news to share. On Nov.16, the doctor tried to insert the neurotransmitter for pain reduction. Unfortunately,there was too much bone overgrowth and scar tissue. The doctor tried working from several different locations and angles, but it just couldn't be done. Terry says that God must have another plan. Please be praying with us that God will show us the way past this pain problem, or acceptance of the pain.

We did have our night away from home. It went VERY well! Terry did have a little extra pain, but we BOTH enjoyed the change! We'll have to plan another night a little farther from home in the near future. It's nice to look forward to something different!

We're getting excited about Thanksgiving! We get to see several relatives then that we don't see often, so we'll enjoy that time! I've also found out that my brother is FINALLY getting to move back from England!!! Praise God! We have missed him SO much! We have been able to talk with the aid of a computer program, but it's not the same. We'll have LOTS of hugs to catch up on when he gets home!

I think that's about all for now. Please keep us in your prayers, as we keep you in ours. Also, there are many people who don't have family to share Thanksgiving with, keep them in your prayers, too.

I'll write again soon, I hope. God bless you! Lynn

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19, 2009 update

Okay! Once again I'm behind. I DO have the highlights of the past two months, so I'll share them.

One of the WONDERFUL points is that we MAY have found a different avenue toward freeing Terry from pain! He may be able to have a neurotransmitter implanted in his back that would send electrical impulses at a different frequency than his pain, therefore blocking it and creating a warm, tingly sensation instead. We're VERY hopeful that it will all work. We should know no later than Nov. 20.

The summer went fairly well. We had some family visits from out of state, and out of the country! It was nice to catch up. We also had horse shows and go-cart races to attend. Then, when school started, our 5-year-old grandson began getting off of the bus at our house. That means we see him almost daily! MOST of the time it's a joy! There are SOME days though....

We had some repair work done on the outside of the house. It looks SO much BETTER!!! It had needed a face-lift for quite some time.

Our ministry is going well. We have made some wonderful friends, and we have many great discussions about the Bible. We've added a few new people, as well, so we think we're on the right track.

Terry had a fall on 10/06! It had been a while since I had held on, so when he started to fall, I had to grab quickly! I pulled some muscles and have a minor injury to contend with. I AM being very careful these days. I've also gone back to holding on again. We'll get brave again soon, I'm sure. Terry is MUCH better at catching himself most of the time.

We're going to try a night away from home soon. If Terry can manage in a motel for a night, then we could do a little travelling. We could CERTAINLY use a change of scenery! It's been a LONG time of the same routine every week.

I THINK that's about all for now. I'll try to write again by Thanksgiving to let you know the results of a couple of things. For now, please keep us in your prayers! We have certainly seen God at work. Also, please keep those battling cancer in your prayers. There are SO MANY hurting people.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! It keeps us going! Lynn

Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30 Update

I'm BACK again! Hello to all of my friends! This will be fairly short, as there are not as many changes these days.

Terry's time at the gym continues to bring improvements in strength and ability. We are adding weight in some areas, repetitions in others. His walking distance has taken a GREAT leap in the past week! He walked THREE HUNDRED feet on Monday and Thursday! Also, his upper body strength is enough now, that when he "begins" to fall, he catches himself more readily. It has given me the confidence to begin to let go when he walks. I'm still not TOO relaxed, but it's coming. He hasn't had a fall for almost three months. PRAISE GOD!! Falls are so hard on both of us, not physically, but mentally.

We had some WONDERFUL visitors in the past month! My brother, who is working in England for 2 years, was home for three weeks. It was GREAT to see him. Also, Terry's sister, who lives in N. Carolina, was here for a few days. We had a chance to get all of the family together to see her family. It was SO GOOD to see them. They also got the opportunity to see Arlyne's children compete at the State Fair. Terry and I were there that day, too. We arrived at 10:30, and didn't leave until 6:30. It was a LONG day, but Terry was not too uncomfortable. YEAH!!! The kids did very well, too. Wyatt got a second place in Pole Bending, and Rylee got a FIRST in Flags! We also had a couple of friends competing as well, so it was nice to be there.

School has begun, and our 5-year-old grandson, Garrett, is in kindergarten. He rides the bus home to Grandma's every day. Finally, we're getting to see more of them. Mom wanted to spend as much of the "last summer before school" with them as possible. We do see them most days now, at least for a little while.

That's all for now. Please keep us in your prayers. Also, there are so MANY people out of work or facing financial problems. Please pray for them. God bless you! Lynn

Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17, 2009 update FINALLY!!!

Hello everyone! It has taken a LONG time, but I'm finally going to "catch up" with all of you. It seems that time is really speeding up at this point, and I get behind before I know it. Anyway, I apologize, and here goes.

Terry has been working hard these last two months. On May 19 he walked 375 feet at one stretch. He has also been working out at the gym. James taped him for the second time on July 9. We haven't seen the comparison video yet, but it should be enlightening. James thinks it would be a good idea to tape every 6-8 weeks, so we'll try to keep that in mind.

In June, James suggested we quit therapy for a while. The gains are not coming quite as fast right now. He thought we should take some time, gain strength and balance, then come back when we think we need an expert. He IS available for questions or problems, and he'll also try to keep in touch so that he can tell us when Terry might need to come back. It was a little hard to quit, I had come to depend on James's wisdom and guidance, as well as his ability to PUSH Terry. We'll just have to work harder! We joined the gym, and plan to go there 4 times a week. Two days to walk, and two days to work on the upper body machines.
Terry fell FOUR times in two weeks! It doesn't really hurt him, but it DOES make him more wary. Consequently, he hasn't walked as far since then. We're TRYING to work our way up, but it's SLOW. James couldn't see any difference in Terry's walk, so he said he just needed to be more intentional in locking that right knee with each step. It has been over a month since he fell, so he's getting braver again, but now he needs to regain the endurance for the distances. It's a vicious cycle! He IS doing the walking at home pretty well, although he has shortened them, as well. I pray for improvement.
Terry has been experiencing more pain for several days now. That limits him, as well. We saw a different dr. to try to find a reason for it, but he really couldn't say. He did reccommend a specialist. We'll see him at the end of July.

It's been a busy two months in our ministry. We are getting closer to the people, and having some GREAT Bible studies and discussions.

Since it is summer, we've been to a couple of horse shows to watch our grandchildren. We've also been to the county fair and the zoo. We've watched the grandchildren a bit, also. We hd the two youngest for 5 days! Grandma was TIRED, but we enjoyed them.

We had a death in the family this month. Terry's uncle died. He had been ill for quite some time, so it wasn't entirely unexpected, but we'll certainly miss him. We also have friends and relatives battling various diseases, and I ask you to be praying for all of those that are struggling each day.

I think that's about all for now. Please keep praying for Terry. His pain level is pretty high sometimes and that makes EVERYTHING seem harder to bear. Also, we BOTH need wisdom to handle each challenge WELL. We're keeping you in our prayers, as well. Thank you for your support. Love to all! Lynn

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009 update

Hello again, friends! It has been a busy month! We are going to the Wellness Center for work-outs twice a week. Those are improving. It's getting easier and more comfortable to do them, AND Terry's strength and mobility are improving QUICKLY!! A friend had suggested video-taping Terry now and in a month or two so that HE can see the difference. The therapist agreed, so Julie taped him on the 14th. It will be interesting for ME to see the changes, too.

I have been remembering some of the very difficult things of the early days of having Terry home. He was SO WEAK!!! He could do so little for himself. It's AMAZING how far he's come! We have just passed the two-year anniversary of him coming home, and it always makes me think back. God has been SO GOOD!!!

We are continuing work in our ministry. We had our first visit at a nursing home. At that visit, we pretty much just shared the story of the accident and how God has worked in our lives since then. We wanted to let the people get to know us a little first. We're working on devotionals for the next visits, as well as continuing to prepare with the guidance of our pastor.

Since we THINK summer is coming (hard to tell with all of the rain and cold), we're looking forward to more cook-outs. We've been to a couple with the kids, and it's nice to be outside finally.

Terry is STILL dealing with a fair amount of pain, worse some days than others. We keep praying and hoping for relief. Even with the pain, though, he just keeps working and trying to improve.

Please keep praying for us and our ministry. We are trying to follow God's lead to the best of our ability. Thank you for your support! Lynn

Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 16, 2009

Hello again friends! It's been a VERY FULL month!! One of the most WONDERFUL things happenned on March 17, right after the last update. Terry let me get rid of the hospital bed!!! It's GONE!!! PRAISE GOD!!! He hadn't been sleeping in it much, but it was still the most comfortable place to be. Thankfully, he gave me the "gift" of letting it go. I FINALLY have my family room back!

There have certainly been other great advances. He figured out the "tricks" necessary to sit up on the side of the bed unassisted! That was a HARD one to conquer. Some days it still isn't possible, depending on his strength in the morning and his level of pain. He also has begun walking MUCH MORE at home. James assigned him the "homework" of five 100' walks each day. MOST days he's getting in at least four of them. It's made a LOT of improvement in his ability to stand from his chair, and to walk with more assurance. It's still difficult, but it IS getting easier.

On April 16th, he had his first therapy session at the Wellness Center ON LAND. James wanted him to start some upper body strengthening. He also needs to regain his flexibility. Since we've concentrated SO MUCH on walking, and his hands are always on the walker, he's lost mobility in his shoulders. I think that will improve QUICKLY!! We will have a FEW sessions under the direction of the therapist (Julie again), then we'll be on our own there. We'll still see James twice a week at the hospital, then have two days a week at the Wellness Center.

James introduced Terry to a new pain-blocking device. Terry seems to have fairly constant pain, but sometimes it's too much to handle very well. This new unit will help with that. It's been great so far!

In our family life, we're beginning to baby-sit more often. We'll have the two boys most weekends over the summer while Mom and Dad work. We take them to Sunday School with us, and they really enjoy it. An older cousin comes with us a lot of times. She spends the night fairly often, and is a GREAT help with the boys!!

We are just beginning a new ministry. We're EXCITED!!! After having gone through all of the physical difficulties that Terry's endured, he still has a VERY positive, joy-ful attitude, praising God for His help and provision. Our pastor felt that Terry had been uniquely prepared for a ministry of encouragement. We're in a short "training" period now, trying to learn how to be MORE useful. We're looking forward to serving God and seeing His work accomplished!

We had a GREAT Easter with family! The kids had an egg hunt, and we just had fun family time together. We tried to catch up once again. Some of the kids we don't see as often, so it's always nice to spend time with them.

That's about all for now. Next month looks like it's going to be at least as full. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes in Terry, too! I think they'll keep coming faster and faster at this point. THANK YOU for all of your prayers and support. Keep praying for our ministry, please, as well as for a lessening of Terry's pain. God bless you! Lynn

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 15, 2009

Hello friends, It's about that time again. We've had a busy month. I had a birthday, so we planned a fun day with another couple. We had a good time, and spent the WHOLE DAY out, so it was good for Terry to just have some fun time, too. I also FINALLY got all my connections done so that I can talk to my brother in England, WITHOUT it costing anything! It's great to have that capability. Ain't computers grand?
About a week and a half after our special day out, we found out that Terry's best friend (who we'd spent the day with) had advanced cancer. He hadn't known until recently. Unfortunately,that, along with several other factors, led to his untimely death on March 7. It was all so quick we're still reeling! We will certainly miss him, and ask for prayers for his widow. He was a veteran, and therefore received special honors for his service in Vietnam. It reminded me VERY vividly of HOW MANY we have to thank for our freedom!

In the area of recovery, Terry's doing GREAT!! From 2/11-2/20 he set new distance records almost every P/T session! On 2/11, it was 469 feet, on 2/13 it was 515 feet, on 2/16 it was 518, and on 2/20 it was 537 FEET!!!! He works SO HARD!! Then, on Fri. Feb.20, he got his prosthetic knee adjusted. James (physical therapist) wanted it looser so that he could have a more natural gait. There is less safety in the knee, but Terry is enough better that it shouldn't be a problem. Also, when his gait IS more normal, it will make it TREMENDOUSLY easier. The hard part right now is trying to re-learn a normal walk!!! Because of the difficulty, and since this part is SO IMPORTANT, James is working on form rather than distance. He is back up to expecting 100" each try. I'm sure that will extend quickly.

We have some new developements at church, also. Terry walked in on Mar. 18, and will CONTINUE to do that every week now. Also, our pastor has asked Terry to begin a new ministry, helping those going through physical struggles. He CERTAINLY has the training from a patient's standpoint! We will have some training from the pastor, but should be starting fairly soon. We're EXCITED ..and a little scared... but look forward to seeing how God will use us!

I think that's all of the highlights for now. I'll get back to you sometime in April. Have a BLESSED Easter!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 14, 2009 Update

As you can tell by the date, today is the two year anniversary of the accident. We certainly go over things about that day and the days before when the anniversary is approaching. Of course, we miss some of the things that we've lost, but we're GRATEFUL for many of the blessings we've gained! We have a MUCH stronger appreciation for our God and His provision for us. We've also grown much closer, both as a couple and with our family and friends. Although we "knew" beforehand that money and 'things' mean little in the grand scheme of life, we have seen very clearly ways in which we were remiss in being AWARE of God and His CONSTANT PRESENCE and great LOVE for us! We're learning!

Now for the update...We've had several changes just in the past month. Because it has been so cold, we've realized that the van REALLY doesn't operate well if it's very cold. We HAVE cleaned out and re-arranged the garage (with MAJOR help form two sons) so that I can park in there overnight. That seems to help greatly! It also means I don't have to scrape the windows. Another bonus is I can unload in the "warmth" of the garage. Yeah!! Even with all of that, we still missed 3 therapy sessions, two due to snow, and one because of BITTER cold. We were blessed during the snows. Our driveway was plowed TWICE by two different, anonymous, "snow angels". It has long amazed me how many ways people think of to help. There are ALWAYS friends at church watching out for us, and I also know that there are MANY people I could call for help if needed. Thankfully, we are becoming more self-sufficient, as well.

Terry had a day out with Mike last month. They enjoyed their time together, and I enjoyed the 'break'. I don't often have time alone at home anymore, so it was a nice change. Terry had an appointment with his neurosurgeon last month also. It was on a day that snowed quite a bit. We allowed ourselves extra time, but were late anyway. The news was GREAT, though. Terry has been experiencing a new sensation lately, and the doctor said it sounded like further healing. PRAISE GOD!! Terry's right leg is continuing to heal~ Our hope is that it will heal sufficiently so that it will "feel" and function normally. The doctor's words definetly gave us hope for that possibility.The doctor ordered a CT scan, just to check for any movement of the screws and such. We should hear the results of that soon. It was a good visit. The doctor was VERY impressed with Terry's progress. After the surgery, he had LITTLE idea that Terry wouldn't be paralyzed. God is SO GOOD!!! After the appointment, we headed home. The snow was falling thicker and traffic was SLOW!! We FINALLY got home about 6 1/2 hours after we left. The total time SHOULD have been 3 1/2 hours. What a LONG day!!

Now for the REALLY interesting stuff. Terry is making GREAT gains in distance. Last month I wrote that his walks were at least 100 feet. As of Monday, 2/09/09, James said he wouldn't accept less than 300 feet per walk. Terry's best distance,a new record he achieved on 2/13, was 515 FEET!!! He works SO HARD!!! That 515 feet left him WORN OUT! Thankfully, recovery time is getting shorter, too. They're also working more on standing/balance, and I realized I misled you last month. When I said Terry had stood for a minute, I didn't say that James was holding Terry's hips (lightly, but holding). This month I can report that Terry stood WITH NO SUPPORT for 15 seconds! The balance and trunk strength still need work, but progress is being made all the time! Each session brings new gains, as well as renewed hope. There's no telling how far Terry can improve!

That's all for now. I'll get back with you next month (I hope). Thank you for keeping us in your prayers, as well as for all of your encouragement!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 11, 2009 Update

Hi Everyone! I hope you had a blessed Christmas! We've had an eventful few weeks since my last update! One of the MAJOR highlights happened on Dec. 6. After Terry had walked to bed, but before he sat down, I asked for a hug. I expected it to be one-handed. He took BOTH hands off of the walker and gave me the FIRST standing HUG since Feb. 13, 2007!!!! It was WONDERFUL!!! And since we found out that's possible, we practice at least once a day. It's amazing how GREAT something that simple can be.
He IS doing more walking at home. He walks further in the morning, AND further at night. He also tries to walk a little through the day (in between naps!). At therapy, each attempt is over 100 feet, and on Dec. 19, he had a total of 650 feet in just THREE tries! The distance, AND Terry's endurance are improving. In addition to the walking, James is having Terry practice standing WITHOUT the walker!!! He can push up on his own thighs, but otherwise is unassisted. Once he is standing, he MUST let go and just STAND. This was EXTREMELY difficult the first time ( 12-31-08, I think), and has only gotten a little easier. His best time standing has been one minute, ten seconds, but that's a BIG improvement over the first time (which was 10 sec.) .
He is done with Occupational Therapy again. They showed him some "tricks" and tools to help in various tasks, now it's just a matter of practice.
We had a HUGE gathering on Christmas Eve! We had 42 people, mostly family!!!! Terry's sister and her family were all up from North Carolina. It was GREAT to get together with everyone!
Then we had other gatherings. We got together with some of my family on Christmas, then on the 28th of December, my nephew Josh got married!! It was a pretty big gathering for that! They had planned a small wedding, mostly just wanting to be married in a church rather than by a JP. But as the family network got busy..... It was a lovely wedding. Josh is a Marine, and wore his uniform. His bride was BEAUTIFUL!!!
I hurt myself a couple of times over the past three weeks, and have pulled muscles around my ribs both times! THANKFULLY, God has sped my healing so that I can give Terry help whenever needed. Also, he doesn't NEED as much help as he did just a short while ago. He's getting stronger and gaining balance with each week!!! We PRAISE GOD for His faithfulness!!
I think that's about all for right now. THANK YOU for your on-going prayers and interest. I'll get back with you soon. God bless you! Lynn

Friday, January 9, 2009

Terry & grandson - Warren @ Christmas.

Terry with sons - Tony (sitting) and Jimmy.