Monday, April 16, 2007

Day 28 - March 13, 2007 Tuesday

Today a nurse removed some more of the staples in Terry's arm and leg. She also removed some from your back surgery. OT came in and showed some arm and hand exercises to be performed on Terry. They tied some straps to the bed for him to stretch - this strengthens his arm. They also should Lynn how to care for his scar on his arm. They said that needed to be done 5-6 times a day. Debby Knox came today to due a five minute camera interview with Terry and Lynn. Terry gave Debby the Benny hat he promised her. Debby said she wanted to follow his progress over the next few months and do a special report on him in May. After that a nurse from RHI (Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana) came by and explained about the campus and their program. It sounds fairly aggressive. Their goal is to get Terry well and home ASAP. Again Lynn spent the night with him.

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