Monday, April 16, 2007

Day 21 - March 6, 2007 Tuesday

When Lynn got to the hospital today, Terry told her he was scared. She tried to reassure him but it didn't seem to help. The hospital chaplain (Chaplain Bailey) came by. She told the chaplain that Terry was scared. He came in and talked to Terry. He also had lung surgery and was very scared after that too. He prayed with Terry and Lynn. Then he left to go see other patients. Terry was in a lot of pain from the lung surgery. It was very hard on him. He was also upset because he couldn't talk. The trach hole was to big for the value they gave him. Lynn talked to the nurse about getting a different valve. The nurse checked and ordered the correct valve for Terry so he could speak. She was a great nurse. She got a lot of stuff done. When they turned him to check on his wounds there was some pus coming from one of the incision on his hip. They decided to take him to surgery right away. Lynn did not have enough time to call anyone and let them know about the surgery. It was a fairly easy surgery and the doctor said it went really well. They suctioned out a lot of fluid and left a sponge in there to absorb more fluid. The fluid was liquefied fat and as Amanda said Terry was getting liposuction. During the surgery the doctor also checked all of his other incision sites. They all looked good. The doctor also took out some staples in Terry's arm and leg (they still need to leave some in to finish closing the wounds). The doctor told Lynn the would go back in on Friday or Saturday and remove the sponge. Terry came out of the surgery fairly easy. Terry has been have physical and occupational therapy pretty steadily but not today due to the surgery.

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