Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day 52 - April 6, 2007 Friday

Terry has a special visitor coming today - Amanda Garrison, the young lady he stopped to help. Terry got all cleaned up for the visit with his nurse's help. He had PT at 9 am. It has been changed this week - the transfer and sitting work are from 9-10. He sat unassisted for twenty-five minutes. His balance just keeps getting better and better. He also received a new wheelchair today. This one reclines differently - the seat stays at a ninety degree angle (the other one laid almost completely flat). The whole seat reclines together. The therapist thinks that Terry might be more comfortable in this chair. Lynn called several nursing homes turning to gather information. She is going to look at them tomorrow with her friend Karen. The doctor discontinued Terry's anxiety medication. All it seemed to do was make him sleep. If he does need it, he can ask for it. Amanda was unable to come today because her baby was sick. She will try on Tuesday. Debby Knox was supposed to come too, but she didn't make it either. Terry spent the rest of the day sleeping quite a bit.

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