Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Week of August 13, 2007

Mon. It was hard to get up today. Not enough sleep. Unfortunately, that made therapy extra hard and not as effective. We'll have to schedule our rough nights better!!(ha-ha) We ran some errands, then came home. We had Rylee overnight for a visit before school.
Tue. Rylee went to therapy with us and played in the pool. Terry also had an appt. to find out about the pelvic pain(no relief yet). I had an appt. for my skin. It cleared well, but now seems to be falling back (it's a matter of time and patience). We came home and spent the afternoon with Rylee.
Wed. Today was tax day. SPRING property taxes, that is. We took care of that, then went to therapy. We had showers, etc. in the evening, making it a late night.
Thu. We see the prosthetic doctor again today. He took a cast of Terry's leg, and said the prosthetic should be ready in TWO weeks! They'll order a water-proof knee, and make the rest. We're excited!! The next stop was Methodist. I intentionally planned extra time so I could show Terry around a bit. We saw several people that knew him, and they were AMAZED at his progress! We need reminders like that. We saw Dr. Maar, and he was pleased with Terry's improvement as well. He doesn't need to see Terry for 6 months. After that appt., we headed for home. LONG day!
Fri. W/T again today. Terry is STILL having the pelvic pain. We keep praying for the answer. He DID feel his hamstring stretching. Praise God! That means feeling in his thigh IS coming. We went home after therapy, to do still more paperwork.
Sat. We babysat again, then had a fairly quiet evening.
Sun. After church, I had a TWO-HOUR nap. It was wonderful! We had a fairly easy day planned anyway, but I took it to extremes. It was nice to relax!

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