Sunday, August 19, 2007

Week of July 9

Mon. David wanted Terry to try balancing on a Therapy Ball. It was pretty shaky at first, but pretty good.
Tue. Terry FINALLY HAS HIS FIRST WATER THERAPY TODAY!!! They lowered him with a lift into the water. Then she had him do some sitting leg exercises. Next came the HARD part. She took him over to a chest-high bar. He was to stand up beside it. Locking his right knee was VERY difficult! Although the right calf and foot are very active, Terry doesn't yet have feeling in his thighs.With WORK, he was able to do it, though. Balancing is quite a chore. This is fair week. We've seen several grandchildren competing, and they've all done well. We spent the evening there tonight.
Wed. Today at therapy, David wanted to see how much Terry could do toward transferring himself. He worked, and worked, and WORKED and TRANSFERRED HIMSELF!!!!!! We all felt like it was party time! To see him do that was like watching a miracle unfold. Later in the day, Arlyne brought him a power wheelchair that her friend wanted him to have. It belonged to her friends' mother, and she had recently passed away.We got Terry in it, and he was VERY pleased to have the mobility! It was great to see him move around on his own. It is a little small, but maybe he'll adjust.
Thu. We went to the store with Terry in the power chair. It was nice to have him move on his own. It's a lot more awkward than many people realize to try and shop while pushing him and pulling a cart.
Fri. While we were at therapy today, David suggested we change the schedule so we have water therapy 3 times a week, and land therapy only 2. Terry will probably progress much faster in water right now, so we'll try that for a while. David also had him transfer to the table by himself and then try to scoot around the perimeter of the table(slightly bigger than a king-sized bed). Terry was up to the challenge! It's hard to watch how difficult things are for him to accomplish, but gratifying to see his determination!
Sat. We babysat for Garrett and Logan for the first time today. It was great to start that again, we've missed those times. Another first! Terry shaved with his safety razor for the first time since the accident! He's been using an electric, but with his full beard, it's not very effective. We went to Lapel for a while this evening. Their festival is this weekend, and we can't work there, but we wanted to visit. We enjoyed a couple of hours there, visiting with many friends.
Sun. We went to church this morning, then came home. Thomas and Chase are coming to help prepare the trailer for a festival next week. We worked for a few hours, then they went home. Terry and I went to their house for dinner and swimming later. It was GREAT!!!

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