Monday, February 15, 2010


Hello everyone! I know it's been awhile, but I don't have as much to tell these days. We did reach the three year mark. It's hard to believe the changes! We certainly look back at these times, and remember that first day. God has brought us S-O-O-O far!! We're thankful for the gifts He's given us--- a new awareness of how precious life is, and how wonderful it is to share it with someone special. We have the JOY of family times, the FUN of friendships,and the support -- given and received -- in the hard times.

We've made MANY new friends: in therapy, at the gym, and in the ministry (she doesn't know it, but I've adopted a grandma!). Our relationships have more meaning these days, too. We KNOW that things can change in the blink of an eye, so we try to be more AWARE of everything!

Terry and I are a much closer couple, too. We've weathered the worst(we hope) of the storm and come out stronger AND more aware of God's hand in our lives. There are so many things we might have missed or not even noticed. I PRAISE GOD that He's shown us so much more, and re-directed our lives in the past three years!

I pray that we will continue to try to follow His leading. I look forward to see the new opportunities He has for us! We keep you in our prayers. There are many battling illnesses or injuries, and many struggling financially. There are also those that are grieving. There are so many hurting, needy people out there. Pray that they will come to know Jesus and the salvation only He can bring!

I'll write again when I have more news. God bless you! Lynn