Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 15, 2009

Hello friends, It's about that time again. We've had a busy month. I had a birthday, so we planned a fun day with another couple. We had a good time, and spent the WHOLE DAY out, so it was good for Terry to just have some fun time, too. I also FINALLY got all my connections done so that I can talk to my brother in England, WITHOUT it costing anything! It's great to have that capability. Ain't computers grand?
About a week and a half after our special day out, we found out that Terry's best friend (who we'd spent the day with) had advanced cancer. He hadn't known until recently. Unfortunately,that, along with several other factors, led to his untimely death on March 7. It was all so quick we're still reeling! We will certainly miss him, and ask for prayers for his widow. He was a veteran, and therefore received special honors for his service in Vietnam. It reminded me VERY vividly of HOW MANY we have to thank for our freedom!

In the area of recovery, Terry's doing GREAT!! From 2/11-2/20 he set new distance records almost every P/T session! On 2/11, it was 469 feet, on 2/13 it was 515 feet, on 2/16 it was 518, and on 2/20 it was 537 FEET!!!! He works SO HARD!! Then, on Fri. Feb.20, he got his prosthetic knee adjusted. James (physical therapist) wanted it looser so that he could have a more natural gait. There is less safety in the knee, but Terry is enough better that it shouldn't be a problem. Also, when his gait IS more normal, it will make it TREMENDOUSLY easier. The hard part right now is trying to re-learn a normal walk!!! Because of the difficulty, and since this part is SO IMPORTANT, James is working on form rather than distance. He is back up to expecting 100" each try. I'm sure that will extend quickly.

We have some new developements at church, also. Terry walked in on Mar. 18, and will CONTINUE to do that every week now. Also, our pastor has asked Terry to begin a new ministry, helping those going through physical struggles. He CERTAINLY has the training from a patient's standpoint! We will have some training from the pastor, but should be starting fairly soon. We're EXCITED ..and a little scared... but look forward to seeing how God will use us!

I think that's all of the highlights for now. I'll get back to you sometime in April. Have a BLESSED Easter!